Welcome to Volume Two of my blog which covers all clubs and stadiums outside the English League System along with the wonderful people responsible for their maintenance and keeping clubs going.

Since I was a little lad, I've been fascinated in football and more so where games are played. With my love of travel and curiosity of the game I wanted to visit as many grounds as possible and see games where I can. I was fortunate that my dad also loved the game and spent so much of his spare time taking me to matches.

As I got older the boundaries widened owing to my location and increased wages to Europe and indeed the world. The sight of a stand or a floodlight pylon in the distance immediately heightens my senses and eagerness for a closer look. I hope that this site gives you the chance to share in my pleasure and experiences and set you on the road to adventure.

"If you get half as much out of the hobby as I've done, I can guarantee some great memories, good friends, and stories to pass on to future generations. Give your local club a try today. They'll be delighted to see you!

Everlasting thanks primarily to my late and very much missed and dearly loved parents; my dad Bob Bernard and my mum; Ann, who put up with endless years of football chat and my brothers Nick and Paul who gave me the chance and to do what I have. Thanks to all my friends who offer encouragement along with my wonderful wife Taew who must be confused as to why I go to what she must consider meaningless matches.

Please feel free to post any comments (please use sensible language - I want everyone to be able to enjoy reading) or ask any questions relating to visiting grounds or events. Make sure you keep having a look as the site is continually updated. If you click on a lot of the pictures, you will get a larger version on your screen. I have also added links to video clips on YouTube where appropriate for those of you who are bored of reading or are filling in time at work. I haven't always gone for the most obvious choices, but items that will be in some cases unusual but always historically interesting.

https://worldgroundhop.blogspot.com/ leads to see volume one of HAOTW for everything in the English League System.

Rob Bernard, Sisaket, Thailand, May 2024

Sunday 30 June 2024

Sisaket Rajabhat University (Thailand)


The football club of Sisaket Rajabhat University represents the learning establishment of the same name. It is one of thirty-eight Rajabhat Universities located around Thailand which were originally set up for teacher training purposes.

Like all the others, the campus has magnificent facilities for their students to enjoy, which is like a large village. Included in it is the stadium, where Sisaket City FC played their home games in the Thai Semipro League.


SKKRU, to use their condensed title, play friendlies and compete in university football.

My visit

Sisaket Rajabhat University 1 Sisaket United 1 (Friday 28th June 2024) Friendly (att: c220)

It was somewhat of a surprise that this fixture appeared on sans pages of Sisaket United as well as that of the university side but not on that of the visiting club. It was quickly apparent on arrival that it would be no more than a glorified training exercise.

The pitch, that was in good condition when we visited around six weeks previously, hadn’t been cut or been given markings. The touchlines were indicated by occasional training cones with the linesmen helping the ref.

United wore their numbered training kit while the hosts players wore anything that they could find that was a predominantly yellow shirt. It didn’t look much of a spectacle, but it attracted quite a gathering, including mostly students who’d finished for the week around the 4pm kickoff time.

Some regular faces from Sisaket games were there, to witness a game played in three periods of thirty minutes to give everyone a run. The pros fielded what we guessed would be trialists, youth players, and some regulars. New Korean defender Jeong Ja-in played but looked bored. 

United scored a simple goal in the first period, with the football being of a very average standard. We departed after an hour, missing the equaliser for SKKRU, as we’d seen enough. It was pretty underwhelming stuff, if truth be told.

Not that it spoiled the afternoon out in any way, which included the usual meet at Hong Kong Garden for a late lunch and drinks, followed by Leo’s after the match from where my regular driver took me home for extended drinks on the veranda with my good lady. I’d endured many worse starts to a weekend over the years.



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