Welcome to Volume Two of my blog which covers all clubs and stadiums outside the English League System along with the wonderful people responsible for their maintenance and keeping clubs going.

Since I was a little lad, I've been fascinated in football and more so where games are played. With my love of travel and curiosity of the game I wanted to visit as many grounds as possible and see games where I can. I was fortunate that my dad also loved the game and spent so much of his spare time taking me to matches.

As I got older the boundaries widened owing to my location and increased wages to Europe and indeed the world. The sight of a stand or a floodlight pylon in the distance immediately heightens my senses and eagerness for a closer look. I hope that this site gives you the chance to share in my pleasure and experiences and set you on the road to adventure.

"If you get half as much out of the hobby as I've done, I can guarantee some great memories, good friends, and stories to pass on to future generations. Give your local club a try today. They'll be delighted to see you!

Everlasting thanks primarily to my late and very much missed and dearly loved parents; my dad Bob Bernard and my mum; Ann, who put up with endless years of football chat and my brothers Nick and Paul who gave me the chance and to do what I have. Thanks to all my friends who offer encouragement along with my wonderful wife Taew who must be confused as to why I go to what she must consider meaningless matches.

Please feel free to post any comments (please use sensible language - I want everyone to be able to enjoy reading) or ask any questions relating to visiting grounds or events. Make sure you keep having a look as the site is continually updated. If you click on a lot of the pictures, you will get a larger version on your screen. I have also added links to video clips on YouTube where appropriate for those of you who are bored of reading or are filling in time at work. I haven't always gone for the most obvious choices, but items that will be in some cases unusual but always historically interesting.

https://worldgroundhop.blogspot.com/ leads to see volume one of HAOTW for everything in the English League System.

Rob Bernard, Sisaket, Thailand, May 2024

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Derriaghy CC (Northern Ireland)

Derriaghy Cricket Club Football Club to give them their full name, are a club who play in the Northern Amateur Football League in Northern Ireland. They are based within eyesight of New Grosvenor Park, the home of Lisburn Distillery about ten miles south of Belfast.

In 1982, the long established Derriaghy CC decided to add a football section, initially joining the Lisburn League prior to becoming members of the Northern Amateur Football League in time for the 1987-88 season.

Reserve sections were added to Derriaghy’s portfolio whose first team home games being played at Seycon Park across the valley in sight of the home of Lisburn Distillery’s New Grosvenor Stadium.

By the 2011-12 campaign saw Derriaghy win promotion to add to their Division 2B title wins of 1994-95 and 1997-98 to reach the Premier Division, as well as lifting the Clarence Cup, the league cup of the competition. A seventh place league finish followed the following season.

However, the club dropped back down to Division 1A, where they were crowned as champions in 2013-14 to return to the top flight where the team marked their return with a sixth place finish.

Relegation was narrowly averted in 2016-17 and 2017-18 before a slight improvement twelve months later. Derriaghy were in fifth when the 2019-20 campaign was abandoned early after the outbreak of Coronavirus.

Derriaghy Cricket Club FC will play in the NAFL Premier Division in the 2020-21 season.

My visit

Wednesday 3rd February 2010

I was in the middle of a groundhop around Ulster as well as fitting in a couple of games. My intended target was New Grosvenor Park. I was using my google map which sent me through an estate and then towards McIlroy Park, named after Burnley legend Jimmy McIlroy who was brought up nearby.

Looking to my right, I saw an enclosed ground perched on top of a bank. The ground was surrounded by high steel mesh fences and was very neatly kept. I looked across and saw the clubs name displayed. There was also a small cover on the far side.

On my return to London, my PC friend Wikipedia gave me the lowdown on the club, as did some of the posters on the Irish League’s fans forum. The problem is, that enthused my curiosity. I now know of at least half a dozen new venues I simply must visit. Any excuse!

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